Hello, how are you? Hopefully your answer was “good” or maybe even “great.”
We pose this question to you because that is how conversations usually start. You shake someone’s hand, tell them good morning and ask how they are doing. And as we at mackenzie EXHIBIT introduce our new blog, we intend to start exactly that, a conversation.
After the exchange of pleasantries, one person in the conversation might make a comment about the weather. Here in Ogden, it is a gorgeous early spring day with temperatures beginning to warm up. There is also a nice cap of snow on top of the foothills above us.
Then if the two people in the conversation know each other, they may dive into some familiar gossip or catch up on the events that transpired since their last meeting. If the two people do not know each other, they will introduce themselves. We will go first.
We are mackenzie EXHIBIT and we are trade show experts. Our company is made up of brilliant designers, dedicated craftsmen and trade show professionals. We harness this talent to build bold trade show exhibits that emphasize the unique characteristics of each one of our clients’ brands. But our work doesn’t stop there. Our team of artists and builders will create brand aligned spaces wherever you are, including office space design and retail/showroom design. Our main focus is working with our clients to make sure their brands stand out wherever they are.

All of this work hinges on creativity, design principles, graphic production, craftsmanship, shop automation and more. As our conversation continues, these are the topics we will discuss in later posts. More specifically we will talk about how these concepts can be utilized to generate success at trade shows. We will also discuss the latest news and trends taking place in the world of trade show marketing and what we are doing to impact that world.